Page 3 - Cognition and Thinking of the history of Science and Technology
P. 3

From Mythology to the  Logos

          •    Scientific thought was born during the

               6  c. BCE in Greek towns of Asia Minor,
               when the pre-Socratic philosophers

               explored rational ways instead of
               Mythology to explain nature.

          •    Their rationality was mixed with the

          •    Philosophers sought for the ultimate

               explanation of the Whole and they
               based this explanation on one single


          •    The quest of the pre-Socratics lead to
               the mathematical abstraction and to

               the demonstrative method that

               characterises science
          •    This abstraction lead to the

               Pythagorean concept that the Cosmos

               is based on immaterial  numbers.

                                                                                        Thales, the first philosopher
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