Page 10 - Cognition and Thinking of the history of Science and Technology
P. 10

The change of scientific methodology: from Why to How

      •     Because of the need of exchanges science has forged
            a spirit of a community. Scientists across the ages had
            the feeling to belong to a specific community, which

            was neither cultural or linguistic but cognitive.
      •     This community developed its own methods. Methods

            of pre-Modern science differed significantly from
            those of Modern science.
      •      Ancient science sought for the meaning and aim of

            the Cosmos. This kind of questions were gradually
            banned by Modern science. They will be answered by
            theology and later by philosophy too.

      •     Isaac Newton investigated the proportions of the
            Temple of Solomon to find similarities with the
            Universe, but this quest was not promoted by him as

            part of his scientific activity.                                                   The Temple of Solomon
      •      This shift of scientific methodology from the question                             drawn by Newton

            “why” to “how” is also related to the gradual
            separation of science from philosophy.
      •     The methodological differences between pre-Modern

            and Modern science apply to the scientific fields as
            well. In pre-Modern science Astrology and Alchemy
            were considered as part of the same cognitive field as

            Astronomy or Physics.
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